Delphi Listbox Save To File

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Moving Multiple Items ListBox To ListBox Moving Multiple Items ListBox To ListBox PaidtheUmpire (Programmer) (OP) 9 Aug 05 20:35. Always go to the Delphi help file first - it is generally pretty good and it's pretty easy to find what you're looking for.

Hi all!

I have a form with a combobox, a listbox and 2 command buttons.(see photo and neglect the blank listview)

I select items from the combobox and add items to my listbox after clicking the button.(no problem with this)

Then, I need to save each item of the ListView to my database. There can be more than one item in the Listbox,depending on how many were added by the user. I was thinking of a way to loop through the items and add each one, and stop adding when all have been saved to a database.

I tried this,

Upon running this, it will say data is added but when I check the db, this is what I find 'System.Windows.Forms.ListBox+ObjectCollection' saved there.

I also had triend looping with

With the same result; 'System.Windows.Forms.ListBox+ObjectCollection' is posted to the db instead of the items.

*I have ommited some codes (like connection settings, no problem with it, also some other items which are saved together with listiview items in other columns)

I will appreciate any help please.
Thanks and peace to you.

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The syntax for INSERT is

where you specify the field names by fld1, fld2, etc. and the values by val1, val2, etc.

For a complete example of how to use parameterized queries please see Code Snippets.

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Reverend Jim3,274

The syntax for INSERT is

where you specify the field names by fld1, fld2, etc. and the values by val1, val2, etc.

For a complete example of how to use parameterized queries please see Code Snippets.

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