Delphi Install Dpk Package

Install Delphi Packages in C++Builder.
Hi How can I install Delphi2009 package in c++builder2009, I have the full source code for that delphi package (.pas). Thanks. Safwan. In article <>, Safwan Maswadeh <> wrote: > How can I install Delphi2009 package in c++builder2009, I have the full > source code for that delphi package (.pas). Change the project options to 'Generate all C++ files', Build and install it. If you have already installed the Delphi-only version, you have to delete the package cache from the registry, or they..
For Win32 C++B projects this is working. The C++ files are created by the Delphi compiler and distributed appropriately on installation. The components appear in the IDE for C++B projects and behave as expected at design-time and run-time. Attempting to run a Win64 C++B project gets an 'Application Error' dialog with message 'The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b) .. The 64-bit C++B files (.o,.hpp,.bpi and .a ) are put in $(BDE)/Lib/Win64/$(config) and $(BDSCommondir)/hpp, $(BDSCommondir)/Win64/dcp. This is the same as the Win32 distribution so I ..
Package B or Package C
--____LRUNMDJKKTIQYFKLMAVL____ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline; modification-date='Fri, 19 Apr 2007 10:56:10 -0400' I'm not sure if I should be deploying Package B or C to my desktops. The = server is and server agent is Can someone enlighten me as to which B or C I should be using to update my = managed PCs and servers? Tom --____LRUNMDJKKTIQYFKLMAVL____ Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary='____QSPRQRBRCCFFSVWCLIFX____' --____QSPRQR..
I was ablle to debug a delphi package when using CB2007. I am not able to debug a delphi package when using CB2009. The Delphi 2007 Project Options had a 'Include TD32 debug info' that needed to be checked in order to be able to debug the Delphi package from a C++ Builder Project Executable. I can not find this option in the Delphi 2009 Project Options. Is it still possible to debug a Delphi package from a C++ Builder Project Executable? I have all the Debug options in the Delphi 2009 Project set to true. Larry Larry Griffiths wrote: > I have all the D..
RAD Studio package vs separate Delphi/C++Builder ones
In Abbrevia right now I have separate packages for Delphi and C++Builder. The Delphi one is a .dpk/.dproj and the C++Builder one is a .cpp/.cbproj. From testing it appears both can't be installed at the same time, and they don't work with the opposite personality. Is there a way to create a single 'RAD Studio' package that would work for both personalities, and if so, would it work if you only had one or the other installed? -- Craig Peterson Scooter Software Hello, Craig Peterson wrote: > Is there a way to create a single 'RAD Studio&quo..
Package BPL (Developed in Delphi 6)
I'm trouble installing a component (BPL) developed in Delphi 6 at C++ Builder 2007. (Estou com uma dúvida/problema ao instalar um componente (BPL) desenvolvido em Delphi 6 no C++ Builder 2007) Registration procedure, Sbc_reg.Register in package F:UsrTempmarcioComponPacoteSmarapd.bpl raised exception class EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000. Can anyone help me ???? (Alguém pode me ajudar?) 'SMARAPD Informática Ltda' <=?Utf-8?Q?SMARAPD_Inform=C3=A1tica_Ltda?=> wrote in message news:45144@forums.cod..
Convert from Delphi to C++ Builder
I must convert a small application from Delphi to C++ Builder. The problem is: I know Delphi but no C++. I have 2 problem: 1) I have a TCollecation and I need access to a single item: this is the Delphi code: MyColletion[Index].propertyname, I have try with MyColletion->Items[Index]->propertyname but this not work. 2) This is the Delphi code: TMachine = record Color: string; User: string; end; ... var a: TMachine ; b: string; .. a := GetMachine(); b := a.Color; where GetMachine return TMachine; Can you help me? <Martin Ma..
import c++ package into delphi?
Hi, If one create a bpl package from C++ source, can that one be imported into delphi? -totte totte wrote: > If one create a bpl package from C++ source, can that one > be imported into delphi? Although Delphi can load C++-written BPLs into memory, Delphi code will not know how to access the BPL's contents as C++ does not generate DCU files for Delphi. The best way to write a package that can be used in both languages is to write it in Delphi and enable C++ output files (HPP, OBJ, LIB, etc) for it. -- Remy Lebeau (TeamB) > Although Delphi can load C++..
Delphi to C++ Builder Converter?
Is there a tool which can convert a Delphi project to C++ Builder project? Hello, Srdjan Obucina wrote: > Is there a tool which can convert a Delphi project to C++ Builder > project? no. Why? -- Moritz 'Hey, it compiles! Ship it!' Srdjan Obucina wrote: > Is there a tool which can convert a Delphi project to C++ Builder > project? Like Moritz said: why? You can use the Delphi units in your C++Builder project, if you wish. The Delphi compiler C++Builder uses for that will generate the proper .obj, .hpp etc. files for that. The IDE does that f..
Package to Package Communication
Ok, is it safe to assume that an object in one package within EAServer can instantiate an object within another package on the same server? If so, what does the PB Powerscript Create command look like? In CreateInstance, when you are instantiating an object in EAServer from a client, you can use CreateInstance('package/object'). Within EAServer though, you would need to use a Create or CreateUsing function in order to instantiate an object. If I want to use a CreateUsing function, is there a syntax available for doing this? Thanks, Shawn --- Posted via the PFCGuide W..
problem of converting from C++ Builder 6 to C++ Builder 2007
Hi, A program which was developed by our partner was built fine with C++ Builder 6. Now I need to make some changes to it. We bought C++ Builder 2007 a few weeks ago. When I open the program with C++ Builder 2007, I was told that the project needs to be converted. I agreed. Then when I compile it, some errors happen: [BCC32 Error] ComCtrls.hpp(435): E2272 Identifier expected [BCC32 Error] ComCtrls.hpp(3880): E2272 Identifier expected [BCC32 Error] ComCtrls.hpp(4658): E2272 Identifier expected ... Anybody has any idea how to fix it? Thanks, Allen In article <14040@f..
Convert to C++ Builder XE from C++ Builder 6 and 2007
Any information regarding the roadblocks of converting the code build in C++ Builder 6,2007 to C++ Builder XE? On 6/20/2012 8:20 AM, Girish Duddu wrote: > Any information regarding the roadblocks of converting the code build in C++ Builder 6,2007 to C++ Builder XE? The big change is the default string in XE is UnicodeString rather than AnsiString. All VCL String properites (Text, etc.) are Unicode in XE. There are good white papers regarding making this transition on the Embarcadero EDN site. I found that most of the changes I had to make fell into two categories: 1) Places..
How do I convert this Delphi to C++Builder? [Edit]
I have spent two days trying to get the idea of converting the following Delphi to C++Builder, but to no avail. This code is part of an ActiveX client program. Data types of variables +V.Collection+ and +V.Collection.Item()+ do not appear in _TLB.h and _OCX.h created from imported type library. Hence I fail to borrow the idea Remy kindly offered in this thread: I would much appreciate if any kind soul will relieve my pain by converting this code to BCB for me so that I can crawl upward slowly. The document for t..
Install of Delphi packages into C++2009
Sebastian Zierer has kindly uploaded a beta version of the old Turbopower Orpheus components for D2009 to his website ( [] ). Unfortunately I can't seem to install the packages into C2009. I have compiled and installed the components and they show up on the palette for Delphi applications but not for C++ applications. I have checked 'Generate all C++ files' for in the linker options. Is there something else I should be doing? Thanks Simon Hello, > {quote:title=Simon Hooper wrote:}{quote} > > Is there something else I shou..
How to Debug a package C++Builder 2007
I've read the documentation on how to debug a package: Set the 'Host' to bds.exe and then run the package. When the second bds.exe starts, install the package and the debugging should happen in the first (running) instance. But I never get the blue dots showing that I am debugging. I did add OutputDebugString commands in various places and can see it is installing it. I've also checked my package project options and debugging is enabled. Any suggestions? I am debugging on a Windows 7 Pro, 32 bit, VM. Thanks, Brian ..
» Help

This has been the way components are installed since around Delphi 3 or so, and the requirement to separate out designtime code into it's own package started being advised in Delphi 5 and enforced in Delphi 6 (when they relocated much of the IDE designtime support into their own separate packages and stopped distributing the source for them).

In this tip I draw together in one place information on how to install components into the Delphi IDE for various Win32 versions of Delphi. The notes also cover how to install IDE extensions or make simple units available in design time packages. The tip assumes you are installing source code, not pre-compiled units or packages.

Before you start copy all the files needed to install the component, IDE extension or unit into some suitable location on your hard disk. Files should include .pas files and any associated .dfm, .res, .dfm and, for components, .dcr files.

You then proceed differently for different versions of Delphi:

Installation with Delphi 2005 and later

To add a component or IDE extension to the IDE it must be included in a design package. You can either create a new design package or add the component to an existing one. These instructions assume you will be installing into an existing package. See the Delphi help for information on how to create a new package. If your component came with its own package, use that.

  1. Open the required package. Select File Open menu and choose a suitable package source file (.dpk extension. You may decide to install into the 'user' package that is often supplied with Delphi.
  2. The selected package (with .bpl extension) will now be displayed in the Project Manager. If the package has not been installed yet right click the .bpl entry in the Project Manager and select Install. Dismiss any resulting message dialogue.
  3. Now right click the .bpl entry again and select Add. What happens next depends on the version of Delphi.

    • For Delphi 2009 and earlier the 'Add' dialogue box will be displayed. Click the dialogue's Browse button then select the .pas file(s) to be installed from the resulting file open dialogue. The full path to the file(s) should now be displayed in the 'Add' dialogue's Unit file name edit box. Click OK to add the file(s) to the package.
    • For Delphi 2010 and later a simple file dialogue box will open from where you can choose the required .pas file(s). Just press OK to add the file(s) to the package.
  4. Back in the Project Manager, check that the .pas file(s) you added appear under the package's 'Contains' node. Also check that any associated .dcr files also appear. If any .dcr file does not appear you need to display the package's source file and add the line {$R FileName.dcr} to the code between the package name and the requires section. To display the source right click the package name in the project manager and select View Source.
  5. If you are installing an IDE enhancement, like a property editor, make sure the designide package is included in the package's requires section.
  6. Now right click the .bpl entry again and select Compile. If no errors are displayed the package has been recompiled correctly.
  7. When adding components the package may need to be (re)installed. Right click the .bpl entry again and select Install. If all goes well a message should be displayed indicating that the component has been registered and it will appear in the appropriate tab of the Tool Palette (which will be named 'DelphiDabbler' when installing one of the components from the DelphiDabbler Code Library).

    Should a message appear saying that the installation has failed you will need to un-install the package and try again. How this is done depends on the version of Delphi.

    This isn’t your CB125, it’s a rebuilt one, and you should know that CB125s that compete in vintage racing, that have been hopped up can go faster than stock bikes. 88 mph on a stock CB125 isn’t possible, but if you read the article, it states that the cylinder head was revised.It could have a higher compression than the stock bike, it could have been ported, it could have been bored out a bit. Honda cb 125 twin manual. With all of this, and the careful tuning I assume that was done to this particular bike, you’re out of line, Cocotillo to automatically call foul.

    • In Delphi 2009 and earlier select the Components Install Packages menu option then select the required package in the resulting dialogue box. Press the Remove button followed by OK. The package will now be uninstalled.
    • In Delphi 2010 and later the .bpl entry's context menu has an Uninstall option. Simply click that option to uninstall the package.
  8. Close the package project using the File Close menu item. Accept any prompts to save the package project.
  9. If you wish you can now delete the .pas file. Other files must be left in place.

Building for 64 bit Windows (Delphi XE2 and later)

If the components etc. are compatible with 64 bit Windows add to a package as described above. Now add a Windows 64 bit target to the package project and rebuild.

RagothamanISBN: 944Genre: Political ScienceFile Size: 63.49 MBFormat: PDF, DocsDownload: 480Read: 69130th January 1948; 31st October 1984; 21st May 1991. Triumph of truth rajiv gandhi assassination pdf. D R Kaarthikeyan was called upon by the Government of India to unravel the mystery. The totally blind case with enormous ramifications needed skilled, dextrous and professional investigation. There was a general demand for explanation and action. This assassination profoundly influenced political developments in India and altered the course of contemporary history in India and Sri Lanka.Category: History.

Installation with Delphi 3 to 7

To add a component or IDE extenstion to the IDE it must be included in a design package. You can either create a new design package or add the component to an existing one. These instructions assume you will be installing into an existing package. See the Delphi help for information on how to create a new package. If your component came with its own package, use that.

  1. Open the required package. Select File Open menu, make sure that files with the *.dpk extenstion are being displayed, and choose a suitable package source file. You may decide to install into the 'user' package. This is found in the Lib sub-directory of your Delphi installation and is named dclusr.dpk or dclusrXX.dpk where XX is a version number.
  2. The package editor will now be displayed. If its Install button is not disabled then click it to ensure the package is installed into Delphi. Dismiss any resulting message dialogue.
  3. Now click the package editor's Add button. The 'Add' dialogue box will be displayed. Click the dialogue's Browse button then select the required .pas file(s) from the resulting file open dialogue. The full path to the file should now be displayed in the 'Add' dialogue's Unit file name edit box. Click OK to add the file(s) to the package.
  4. Click the package editor's Compile button. The package will now be recompiled and, if no errors are displayed, the package has been recompiled correctly. When adding components a message may be displayed at this stage indicating that the component has been registered. In some cases it is necessary to click the Install button after compiling before the component will be registered and the message displayed. Any components will now appear appropriate tab of the Tool Palette (which will be named 'DelphiDabbler' when installing one of the components from the DelphiDabbler Code Library).
  5. Now close the package editor window. You will probably be prompted to save the package. Agree to this and the package source file will be updated with information about the new component.
  6. If you wish you can now delete the .pas file. Other files must be left in place.

Installation with Delphi 2

  1. Select the Component Install menu option to display the 'Install Components' dialogue box.
  2. Click the Add button to display the 'Add Module' dialogue box.
  3. Click the Browse button and choose the required .pas file from the resulting standard file open dialogue box and click Open.
  4. This returns you to the 'Install Components' dialogue box. Click OK here to rebuild the component library. If you were installing component it should now appear on the component palette (which will be named 'DelphiDabbler' when installing one of the components from the DelphiDabbler Code Library).
  5. If you wish you can now delete the .pas file. Other files must be left in place.
Author:Peter Johnson
Last updated: 2010-02-22
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